Lefebvre, H., Legner C., Teracino. E.A (2023). 5 pillars for democratizing data at your organization. Harvard Business Review.
Lefebvre, H., Krasikov, P., Flourac, G., Legner, C. (Forthcoming). Data management as a joint value proposition – a design theory for horizontal data sharing communities. Electronics Markets.
Schnieders, F., Lefebvre, H. and Otto, B (2024). Look beneath the surface: reconceptualizing data culture. Forthcoming at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C. (2024). Rethinking data governance: a viable system model (forthcoming). In Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Paphos, Cyprus. Best paper award (1st runner-up).
Lefebvre, H., Legner C. (2024). Toward a curriculum for data literacy in enterprises. In Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Nominated for best paper award.
Lefebvre, H., Flourac, G., Krasikov, P., Legner, C. (2023). Toward Cross-Company Value Generation from Data: Design Principles for Developing and Operating Data Sharing Communities. In: Gerber, A., Baskerville, R. (eds) Design Science Research for a New Society: Society 5.0. DESRIST 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13873. Springer, Cham.
Lefebvre, H., Krasikov, P., Flourac, G., Legner, C. (2022). Toward cross-company value generation from data: investigating the role of data sharing communities. In proceedings of the PRE-ICIS FRAIS workshop in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C. (2022). How communities of practice enable data democratization inside the enterprise. In Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Timisoara, Romania.
Lefebvre, H., Legner, C. and Fadler, M. (2021). Data democratization: toward a deeper understanding. In Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, Texas, USA.
Fadler, M., Lefebvre, H. and Legner, C. (2021). Data governance: from master data quality to data monetization. In Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). An Online AIS Conference.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C. (2024). CC CDQ Research Briefing Data Literacy. CDQ AG.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C., Pentek T. (2024). CC CDQ Research Briefing on Modern Data Governance. CDQ AG.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C., Pentek T. (2024). CC CDQ Research Briefing on Federated Data Governance. CDQ AG.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C. (2023). The five pillars of data democratization: learnings from born-digital and incumbent firms. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Chief Data Officer & Information Quality (CDOIQ) Symposium. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Lefebvre, H., Legner C., Eurich. M (2023). CC CDQ Research Briefing on Data Democratization. CDQ AG.
Lefebvre, H., Legner, C. (Under review - 2nd round). Unpacking data democratization - how communities help organizations develop and scale their data practices. European Journal of Information Systems.
Legner, C., Lefebvre, H. Data governance. In M. Stelmaszak, A. Aaltonen, K. Lyytinen (Eds.), Research Handbook on Digital Data: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing. Writeup, Q4 2024.
Lefebvre, H., Fadler. M., Legner, C. (Preparing for submission). From data as a resource to data as an asset - data monetization as a new frontier for data governance. Writeup, Target: Information & Organization, Q1 2025.
Schnieders, F., Lefebvre, H., Moller, F., Otto, B. Navigating data culture transformation: insights from an incumbent. Data collection, Target: Journal of Management Information Systems, Q3 2025.
Lefebvre, H., Legner, C. Making the data organization viable: A VSM perspective on data governance. Writeup and second data collection, Target: MIS Quarterly, Q4 2025.
Saigot, M., Lefebvre, H., Karanasios S. Data beyond technology: a plea for treating datastress as a distinct construct. Writeup, Target: Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Q1 2026.
Ananjeva, A., Lefebvre, H., Persson, J.S. Conceptualizing data governance as a system (title to be defined). Conducting literature review, Target: Journal of the Association for Information Systems.